Name Description
Name: OpenDosimetry Toolbox
Public: No
Year: 2013
Language: Java
Category: Medical, Image Analysis, ImageJ, Imaging
OpenDosimetry Toolbox is an ImageJ plugin used for the analysis of dosimetry films in medical application. It was developed as project during master's studies in collaboration with Clinica Luganese medical facility.

The aim of the project is to provide an open source and free tool specialized into dosimetry film analysis using new techniques such as Delanuey triangulation.

The final product was composed of several modules, from image registration to image analysis and result extrapolation.

  • Advanced Imaging analysis
  • Java3D graphics
  • ImageJ plugin development
  • Custom module implementation
Name: Rabasis
Public: No
Year: 2013
Language: Java
Category: Music, Audio, Realtime, Skin
Rabasis is a ambitious project aiming to create a simple modular realtime music system in java. The development of the project went in two direction: the music process and the skin development (in ableton style). The music process was quite simple, music blocks would define routes for midi notes or audio. The system was robust enough to play an external midi note in the internal midi sequencer or internal custom synthesizer. The skin was totally developed in java, learning the Swing UI stack.

This project was abandoned for lack of time, went into learning Max instead (similar system).

  • External/internal MIDI use with Java
  • Learning Swing UI stack and custom Ableton style skin for Java
Name: RasaelScriptIDE
Public: No
Year: 2012
Language: Java
Category: Compiler, Programming Languages, Debugger, Virtual Machine, Scripting
ScriptIDE is a small IDE for languages developed by Rasael. The IDE itself its poor of editing features but allows to compile, run and debug: ClosX, Lynlan, Rasbas and XScript languages.
ClosX and Lynlan are small languages directly interpreted in java and developed during BCs Compiler and Interpreters course.
XScript is a custom developed scripting language very similar to C and its compiled to bytecode and later executed by a virtual machine in java, but the virtual machine was originally meant to be implemented in C++. The language was intended to be founding scripting for game development.

The IDE contains a debugger that allows to debug the compiled bytecode of XScript, and view the assembler and virtual machine operations, assembly line by line. The project was interrupted as including support for objects was too complex and JSR 223 allows easier implementation. it doesnt support objects

This is the most engineering complex solo project ever done.

  • Custom developed a programming language
  • Custom compiler, debugger and virtual machine implementation
  • Multi language abstraction
Name: ER Designer (Entity Relationship Designer)
Public: School
Year: 2012
Language: Java
Category: Educational, Database, Graphical Editor
ER Designer is a tool to draw Entity-Relationship graphs. This was the BCs graduation project in Software Engineering. The tool replaced the previous ER designer tool used at school and that was made several years earlier.

The whole graphical engine has been custom developed based on the necessity of the application. The architecture was roughly based after the study of an open source project.

The final product is a very simple application that makes use of the two distinct libraries that have been developed during this project.

  • Created library for graphical editor view
  • Created library for editor applications
  • Highly documented code / project
  • Bachelor degree
Name: ScicoslabGE (Scicoslab Graphical Editor)
Public: Yes
Year: 2012
Language: Java
Category: Educational, Scicos, Graphical Editor
ScicoslabGE is a graphical editor for Scicoslab. Allows to create and edit complex block schemes and to export them to be executed in scicoslab. This tool was then used as Java plugin in scicoslab.

The application also features a custom editor for blocks.

  • Learn GraphX library
  • Graphical editor
  • Scicoslab file format
  • Custom in-app block editor
The project is still present on sourceforge.
Name: RasaelTSP (Travelling Salesman Problem Solver)
Public: No
Year: 2012
Language: Java
Category: Educational
RasaelTSP is a graphical resolver for TSP problems. It was developed during BCs school and aim was to find the fastest set strategies to solve a number of TSP problems.

This implementation allowed to choose between several strategies (some custom created), change a number of parameters, create GIF animations of the created tour.
Name: RasaelStudioSim (Music studio simulator)
Public: No
Year: 2011
Language: Java
Category: Music, Studio Design
StudioSim is a tool to simulate connections between the devices you own in your music studio. You can then view of how many cables you need and the type. It also supports a rack view similar to Reason back view (with moving cables).

The project was abandoned after completition.

  • Custom device creation
  • Connection validator (port format)
  • XML import / export of project and inventory
  • Rack editor and rack view
Name: FOR_MultiLift (Fabio Omar Rasael) MultiLift
Public: Yes
Year: 2011
Language: C++
Category: Educational, Threads, Qt
MultiLift was a university project in C++. It represents a Multi lift building system, displayed using Qt. The system emulates an electrical system where a main controller handles all lifts through a main bus.

  • Learn C++
  • Learn basic Qt
  • Thread use
The project is still present on sourceforge.
Name: Movida Events Website CMS
Public: Proprietary
Year: 2011
Language: PHP
Category: CMS, Web
Transformation of static HTML website into a dynamic PHP website with a full CMS backend to allow the editing of the website content.

Name: Rasael Math Suite
Public: No
Year: 2010
Language: Java
Category: Educational, Mathematics
Math Suite is a bag of applications for math calculus. It is based after the understanding of math expression trees. It contains a MathExplorer (containing several formulas for engineers use, allowing complex expression in textfields), Expression builder (parse, evaluates and displays math expressions), MathScratch (simple math pad similar to MatLab), FunPad (a graphical app to display math functions), MiniDifferentiator (diffentiates an expression and displays the result).

  • Math expression tree parse and evaluation
  • Simple expression differentiation
  • Function display
  • Furier series calculus
Name: RD Compressor (Rasael Dominic) Compressor
Public: No
Year: 2010
Language: C
Category: Educational, Compressor, Vitter algorithm
RDCompressor is the implementation of Vitter's compression algorithm for files, an upgrade to the FGK algorithm. It was made during BCs graduation.
The compressor is highly complex and has been implemented with the use of trees, dynamic dictionaries and bit streams.

  • Learn C
  • Learn and implement Vitter's compression algorithm
  • C debugging
  • Custom bit stream
Name: ServePath projects
Public: Proprietary
Year: 2007
Language: J2EE, Webservices
Category: Business, Web
During internship in ServePath (San Francisco), development of Cancellation Request Automation web services and upgrade of partner company website to XML based layouts.

  • Learn J2EE and webservices concepts and implementation
  • Work in US business culture
Name: DeltaCS website
Public: Proprietary
Year: since 2007
Language: PHP, HTML, Css
Category: Business, Web
Creation of website for DeltaCS company (San Francisco), member of the minor NASA comittee and still active today.
Website has backend to allow employees to input their timetrack and see their updates by working from several locations.

  • Professional Website
  • Midsize Employee timetracker
Name: Galactic Freedom
Public: No
Year: 2007
Language: Java
Category: Game, Graphics, 2d, Ai, Database, SQL
Galactic Freedom was the first version of the space shooter im developing with Java. It was mostly a playground for learning the development of gaming with Java. It aim to be like EVE Online but in 2D, singleplayer and developed by me. The game had a small single player campaign composed of several missions, and could then be played against random enemies.

  • Learn Java gaming
  • Learn 2d graphics, paths, pathfinding
  • Custom ingame conversation system
  • Basic game scripting, and AI
  • Basic game mission system
  • SQL backend
  • Game editors for world and missions
The original old project is still present on sourceforge.
N/A Name: Apprenticeship Showcase Website
Public: Yes (was)
Year: 2006
Language: AspX
Category: Educational, Public Administration
Project for a public administration office to implement a website page displaying available apprentiship positions, with the aspect of a showcase with block notes.

  • Learn basic AspX programming
N/A Name: Internal Social Platform
Public: Proprietary
Year: 2006
Language: PHP
Category: Public Administration
Creation of a simple social platform where employees could register their personal profiles in place of external social media. This was the Computer Science graduation project.

  • Mid sized PHP application
  • Full documentation
  • Project presentation
Name: JFeed (JAFR) (Just Another Feed Reader)
Public: Yes
Year: 2005
Language: Java
Category: RSS, Webserver, XML
JAFR was second java project, aiming to have a custom RSS reader in java. This tool allowed to register to RSS feeds (very used at the time) and host an internal webserver where to view them all. The goal was to learn XML, RSS protocol, and HTTP server. All goals were accomplished.

  • Learn XML (strongly used format at the time)
  • Learn AWT
  • Parse RSS format
  • Create basic in-app webserver
The project is still present on sourceforge.
Name: JUDAT (Java Universal Database Administration Tool)
Public: Yes
Year: 2005
Language: Java
Category: Database, JDBC, Swing, HTML, SQL
JUDAT was the first java project ever made and was started during the Computer Science graduation studies. This tool allowed to connect to multiple types of databases and execute queries on those. The goal was to learn Java, JDBC connection. All goals were accomplished.

  • Learn Java and AWT
  • JDBC connection to various SQL database
  • Basic SQL operations
  • In-app HTML help guide with active links (can trigger actions)
The project is still present on sourceforge.
Name: TCT (Tourist Camping Tycoon)
Public: Yes
Year: 2004
Language: Java
Category: Gaming, Graphics, Isometric
TCT was first attemp to game development using java. Everything was custom developed with a non-java mentality, making poor use of object oriented design.

  • Learn isometric plotting
  • Learn AWT and graphics
The project is still present on sourceforge.