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Rasael & Hervé - Liveset (March 2010)
Year 2010 |
BPM 144 |
Originally written by Rasael Bervini, Hervé Delucchi |
Produced by Rasael Bervini, Hervé Delucchi |
Genre Psychedelic Trance |
Style Melodic, Uplifting |
Description Liveset we played at a party in March 2010. It contained new tracks (intro and The Gib Gnab), rare tracks (Move, Shade of Colour) and old tracks (ZZ9 and Peutech). A shade of colour has been inserted especially for the birthday of Stefan. Copyright (c) 2010-2024 All Rights Reserved. |
There is also number of old downloadable mp3, feel free to check them out :-)
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